In accepting the Authorization to Repair you confirm that you agree to comply with your insurance company program standards.
You confirm that you understand that your insurance company is paying for the services provided up to the property damage covered under your policy, subject to the excess and the policy’s terms and conditions.
You confirm that you have seen the "List of Works" (Scope) available in the handdii storyboard detailing the repairs to be undertaken at your property.
You confirm that you understand your excess may be payable to the authorized independent contractor and/or independent service provider(s) and this can be paid to the contractor online via the handdii platform.
You confirm that you understand any claim payments issued will include, or (go directly to) your independent contractor and/or independent service provider(s). You confirm that you agree to pay your independent contractor and/or independent service provider(s) for any repairs or additional improvements made at your direction that are not covered under your policy.
In accepting this Authorization to Pay you confirm that you understand this extends solely for the services or repair expenses covered by your insurance policy as a result of the loss occurring at your property. You agree to pay your independent contractor and/or independent service provider(s) for any services or repairs, or additional improvements made at your direction that are not covered under your policy.
Payment for policy related repairs will be issued to the contractor once all of the building or structural services/repairs by this contractor/service provider(s) have been completed to your satisfaction.
You confirm you understand that you will receive an opportunity to rate the contractor out of 5 stars via the handdii platform. An overall average rating of 3-5 will be considered satisfactory. If you rate 1 or 2 stars you will be given the opportunity to elect for the contractor to re-attend and rectify the matter.
You confirm that if after 14 days from the completion of repair you have not provided a rating your satisfaction with the work performed is confirmed and default payment terms will be applied for the contractor.
You authorize payment on your behalf to Handdii for the amount shown on the final estimate(s) or the invoices sent to your insurance carrier from the contractor or service provider(s).